Monday, January 31, 2011

Religion is bullshit? I don't think so..

Religion has no exact definition. You can have your own definition of religion as you like. The way you define it is what makes it beautiful, or bullshit. A few months ago a friend of mine uploaded a stand-up comedy video clip in FB with the title “Religion is Bullshit”. Well, that started off a war and people started throwing bloody long comments on each other. There were two groups, first those who disagrees with that, and secondly those who supports the title.
This is what happens when people refuse to look at religion beyond the boundary set by human beings. Some says God created religion, some says religion leads to God, and some even says religion is bullshit. But I say religion is knowledge that leads to self-realization. When one starts to look at this angle, religion will be defined as a tool that is supposed to lead us towards eternal peace. What happens when one sets a boundary to this knowledge?

Knowledge is something that evolves with time and religion should be evolving too. When a boundary is set, this leaves no room for human to think and reason their actions. What happens next is misinterpretation. That is exactly when people think by shooting innocent people, chopping man’s head off, and doing all other nonsense will lead them straight to heaven. Now what do I mean by setting a boundary? Humans who say “I’m from this religion, and I will only follow my religion, learn values from my religion, and my religion is the best”, sets a boundary to themselves. What happens next is, we think that every religion has its own God. Think about it people, if it is true that every religion has its own God, why are all of us created the same way? We have the same number of eyes, limbs, our digestive systems are the same, we eat the same way (using mouth), we walk the same way and we all breathe the same oxygen. Isn’t that enough to prove that God is one?

If religion is to be described as path to God, then all religion will ultimately lead to one God. Learn to respect each other’s religion because when you insult other’s believe/faith/religion, you’re insulting yourself and your own religion. So let us not place a boundary to religion and treat all humans equally. I do believe that is exactly what God wants.

Love all, Serve all.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

"You know la, Indian felasss......"

I bet that you have seen many people saying that in your daily life. Words like “Indian fellas ah…Alwaaaays like that la”, “You know la, Indian timing”, “Indians never change la macha..let’s forget that and go tanni…”, Indians drink like fish”, and all other bullshits about our own community. I used to be one of them who says that and as time passes by, I realized that there was absolutely no use of complaining about our own community. Who the heck am I to complain when I myself am not a perfect Indian? What have I “kilikiran” until now that I am complaining about my own community? Have I done anything good for this community? Do people who serve the community complain as much as I do?

As I asked myself these questions, I felt like someone is actually giving me a tight slap repeatedly (yeah, just like in the old Tamil movies). That has made me realize that it is time to STOP COMPLAINING, and START DOING SOMETHING. It’s really easy to talk. Anybody can talk about what is wrong with our community. But how many of them are willing to step forward and donate as little as RM 10.00 for a Tamil School charity program?  Let’s look at an example. There is a charity group in facebook called Sai Fund. Currently (as of 29/01/2011), there are 1366 members in it. But less than 20 people are contributing to that charity fund. Ok, maybe we can assume there are another 30 people who contribute in other terms, so that makes about 50 contributors. My question is what happened to the other 1316 members who “Like” the page? Where are they? Is it too much for me to say that they “Like” the page because their friends “Like” it too?
Come on people, RM10 per month is not much. It’s the least we can do for our community because I still feel that our children need more support than this. Who is going to help them if not us? The government? MIC? Hindraf? Any other political party? There is a small Tamil School in the estate I live. Numbers of students are around 70. Number of kindergarten students enrolling per year on average is less than 10. What happened recently is that a political party stepped forward and built a huge kindergarten for them. Then, another political party sponsored another “MUCH BIGGER” kindergarten right opposite of the earlier one. For what? What are they trying to prove? They are so busy competing against each other, showing who is better, and forget that they are here to serve the community. Are we going to wait for their help? Like I said earlier, anybody can talk, but how many can get the job done?

Let’s not wait for them to appear at our door during election. Let’s step forward and do what we can to help the community. If we can’t initiate a new effort, that’s ok, we can still support those who are already working on it. For those who are wondering where to start from, visit this link.
Love all, Serve all.

(The image below has nothing to do with the topic. Just for laugh.)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Social Networking

Social networking (probably you would've guessed which one I’m talking about), is kind of the most popular thing talked about now. But, it also has become some sort off platform of embarrassment for I’m sure at least a few people. Most recently, a friend of mine uploaded a video of a few Indian girls dancing on the road during Thaipusam. So, apparently someone recorded the video in their phone, and shared it with others. Finally, it made its way to the social networking site. A few months ago I even watched a video uploaded on the same site about a few Indian college students being slapped, kicked and insulted with bad words by a group of guys for some reason I don't know what.

Now, it might be fun to upload videos like that, and get people to comment on it on our wall, but I hope that we could spend a little bit time to think how the person in that video would feel when he/she watches it. If I was in that place, for sure I’ll not be happy because someone uploaded the video without my approval. Not only videos but pictures uploaded can also bring equal damage. One of my office colleagues doesn’t like his pictures to be taken because he doesn’t want anyone to upload his picture without his approval.

To make matters even worse, despite all the warning, there are still some people who upload too many pictures of themselves (from different angles). Sadly, one of my old friends (a girl) does the same. What I am worried is that people might use that picture for bad intentions (being a girl, I think the damage can be more). So, do carefully choose which pictures you want to upload on to the web, and always remember you are what you do, regardless in real world, or virtual world. If you happen to come across videos/pictures that you think might offend others, kindly send a message to the one who uploaded it, and remind him/her of the damage it can bring to others.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


This is my first time stepping into blogging. Hope you people will enjoy reading.
Thank you